Computer St. Louis Blog/News

3 Computer Productivity Tips You Need to Know

3 Computer Productivity Tips You Need to Know

Our world is obsessed with productivity. And why not? Productivity means being efficient with our time. And yet, recent trends have helped buffer us—as workers and as people—from productivity corroding quality of life. Productivity can’t come at the cost of higher...

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Which Web Browser Is the Safest?

Which Web Browser Is the Safest?

Browser safety is one of the many layers of IT security that businesses need to consider. The overall functionality of browsers, however, tends to get businesses’ attention before the security standards do. For example, the enormous catalog of plugins offered on...

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5 New Features with Windows 11

5 New Features with Windows 11

Windows 11 brings many changes users have been excited about. Across the board, from its look and feel to its performance and integrations, the potential for improved productivity is greater than with any recent Windows update. Although the interface looks pretty...

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5 Wireless Security “Must-Dos”

5 Wireless Security “Must-Dos”

Wireless internet is what most businesses use today. The business world is almost entirely free of wires for internet access, but they are not free from the risk of data loss. Data transmitted over wireless networks is sent over the air. Anyone in the network with the...

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4 Tips and Tricks for File Encryption

4 Tips and Tricks for File Encryption

It’s a business essential to encrypt sensitive data. In fact, it’s become a business essential to encrypt just about everything you send for business, sensitive or not. Especially with colleagues and clients dispersed around the globe, even a secure file transfer...

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7 Tips to a Better Organized Microsoft Outlook

7 Tips to a Better Organized Microsoft Outlook

“Inbox zero” is the mythical moment that you continually strive for. It’s that blip in time where there are NO emails—read or unread—in your inbox, and it feels great. The truth is that “inbox zero” doesn’t have to be a rare occurrence. More than just deleting what...

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5 Steps to Secure Software License Compliance

5 Steps to Secure Software License Compliance

Software licenses validate the legal use of software. With a growing majority of software used by businesses being cloud-based, software licenses today are generally purchased as subscriptions. Back when software was installed on a desktop computer by way of floppy...

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How to Budget 2023 for IT

How to Budget 2023 for IT

When it comes to IT budgets, often the line-item details are rarely built to meet revenue goals because even the best-intentioned budget can be turned on its head within months. Just look at what happened to the market at the start of the pandemic or after Russia’s...

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How Prepared Are You for a Disaster?

How Prepared Are You for a Disaster?

Is your business prepared for a disaster? Whether your business was impacted today by a tornado or a citywide power outage or something else altogether, knowing your “readiness” is part of being in business. Uncommon but perfectly possible crises represent real risks...

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4 Advantages of Using Your Own Mobile Hotspot

4 Advantages of Using Your Own Mobile Hotspot

Fast access to the internet is a “must have.” It’s a basic need for work, for fun, for finances and travel and shopping and more. We’re able to connect to the internet on our personal wireless at home or on company wireless at work. We regularly connect to public...

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Should I use a browser VPN?

Should I use a browser VPN?

Most business professionals already know what a VPN is. These “virtual private networks” allow you to browse the internet anonymously, or even from another specific location. This technology has been the perfect solution for many of today’s business needs, including...

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Ransomware: A Story Not to Repeat

Ransomware: A Story Not to Repeat

One minute, Aubrey was looking for a client file. File explorer popped open on her computer and she was about to select the file that she wanted to review. The next minute, her screen was locked. A menacing message flashed across it: PAY UP, OR YOUR DATA WILL BE...

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5 New Features in Office 365

5 New Features in Office 365

Microsoft 365 is the real deal. A suite of not just the omnipresent Office apps, but also the whole Microsoft family, this license opens the door to every tool Microsoft has built. Collaboration, productivity, and the cloud are all at your fingertips. One of the...

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Demystifying the Spam Quarantine Report

Demystifying the Spam Quarantine Report

When you receive a spam quarantine report, it should look like this. If you have more than one active email address, you may get several reports.  Make sure you’re looking at the right one by looking at the box circled in red below. You don’t need to wait for a...

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Is your data recoverable?

Is your data recoverable?

All businesses face data loss as a constant risk and, unfortunately, an inevitable reality at some point. Whether it’s an employee who overwrites a folder or a natural disaster, data loss is something businesses have to plan for, because it will happen. How much that...

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4 VR and AR IT Implications for Your Business

4 VR and AR IT Implications for Your Business

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) sound like buzzwords, but they’re definitely not fading trends. Both of these technologies are changing businesses in how they deliver services, manufacture products, and interact with clients. Are you in an industry...

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Gone Phishin’?

Gone Phishin’?

Phishing is arguably the most dangerous form of attempted cyberfraud. It’s pervasive, and it’s too often successful in deceiving consumers and small businesses. The last three years have seen the biggest spike in phishing attempts ever recorded. The rise in phishing...

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How to Keep Your LoB Software Updated

How to Keep Your LoB Software Updated

Line of business (or LoB) apps are made specifically for each organization who developed them. They can even be made available on the Microsoft Store for employees and collaborators to easily download, even when they’re brand-specific. These apps are completely custom...

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3 Ways to Look for AI in Your Business

3 Ways to Look for AI in Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is what will take today’s businesses to the next level. Now that most businesses have made their digital transformation, internal processes have improved, consumer expectations have skyrocketed, and companies are now swimming in more data...

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