When you review your business’s telephone bills, what do you see?

Do you go through line-item historical comparisons, month over month? Do you know exactly how you’re billed for every rate and service?

Most business owners have a general idea how they’re billed, and of course they track expenses month over month. That’s not to say, however, that it’s easy to identify the opportunities to spend less for the same service.

With the cost of doing business, however—and new options in telecommunications technology—this kind of assessment a “must” in today’s world.

Enter: your telecom solutions broker.

What Is A Telecom Solutions Broker?

Your telecom solutions broker is the person or organization acting as a qualified specialist to answer your questions about telecommunication expenses. They also go to bat for you when shopping for the best deal.

Telecom solutions brokers use their knowledge of the industry to match offerings up to your budget and needs.

The result is that you get the best possible service at the lowest price.

Why Use A Telecom Solutions Broker?

If the “best possible service” at the “lowest price” isn’t enough of a selling point, there are additional other reasons why you should use a telecom solutions broker:

  1. Professional review of multiple carrier options

There are a lot of telecommunications providers today and they all want your business. Your telecom service broker learns about your business needs to represent you with all those vying vendors.

Then, the broker vets the options for you.

  • Expertise

Telecom service vendors also bring a career-worth of expertise. You don’t have to become the local expert on telecommunications, you can just let your broker do their job.

  • Satisfaction

What’s more satisfying than having your needs met?

Telecom service brokers’ business depends on keeping their clients satisfied because most get a small residual monthly commission for deals they help close.

This means ongoing service and satisfaction for you.

  • Direct access to vendors

Your telecom service broker works directly with vendors every day, meaning whenever there is an issue, they have a direct line to help.

  • Industry insights

You don’t always know what you need because you aren’t in the telecommunications industry. This is normal—and it simply means you aren’t in the loop on what services are “standard” or what new developments are coming.

Your telecom service broker brings this information to you.

  • One person, one single-point-of-contact

When you do need help or are ready to shop around for telecom services, your broker also acts as your single-point-of-contact so you don’t have to volley so many emails and calls. This includes vetting vendors, troubleshooting, software updates and more.

  • Consolidation

Along the same lines, if you have multiple locations for your business and each uses different telecommunications services, a telecom service broker will help you consolidate to one provider—and get a better price for your multi-location bundle.

Computer St. Louis provides telecom service brokerage because we have the expertise to give you these benefits and more. Our team of engineers starts by working with you to understand your business needs.

Ready to get started? Read more about our telecom service brokering.