Many an argument has been made regarding the lengths with which a company should go to protect their data – just as many opinions exist on how to strategically execute network security and the procedures by which these goals are accomplished. Should we take the most valuable assets and keep them in the cloud while maintaining non-critical data on-premises? Or vice versa? How many authentication practices is enough?

The fact is – any company attempting to determine security protocols needs a professional who is walking the tightrope of these endeavors daily. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that is right for everyone, and not even every industry. Customizing an IT solution with an expert can truly be a money-saving and headache-preventing conclusion to what has seemed like an overwhelming field of infinite possibilities/vulnerabilities. The days of just making sure your anti-virus is up to date are over.

Creating a tailor-made solution involves a series of determinations about the protected data you keep. A zero-trust environment creates a system of verifications for users to access that data depending on who they are, where they are, what categories of data they have access to and how the perimeters have been drawn for enforcement.

If you don’t have your data segmented into zones and specific user protocols, you should consider this move toward a zero-trust mentality. It is not just about securing the home front anymore – hackers can easily breach those lines – you must approach your security not only from the external nemeses that exist but from internal administration as well. It doesn’t mean you don’t trust your staff; it means that you can’t trust the various ways in which a hacker can worm their way into your network.

What about your clients and other third-party enterprises that have access to your data? What are their protections? Can you be sure they are taking proper precautions? Our guess is no. No, you cannot afford to take the chance that everyone is doing their due diligence. Maybe some are, however, there is always a vulnerability waiting around the next corner – you can’t just assume internal systems are clear by default. By implementing a zero-trust mentality, you will be leaps and bounds closer to beating security risks. Computer St. Louis can strategize how to begin your security infrastructure or enhance your existing regimen.