As described above, the future of work is unknown. Some industries are bringing their staff back in a staggered pattern, some are allowing staff to continue to work from home until further notice, others are 100% coming back with minimal changes. Some staff have taken advantage of the opportunities of being at home and love the idea – others are completely over WFH and cannot wait to get back to the office. The consensus lies somewhere and everywhere in between. Employers are facing challenging work environments as polices change and circumstances dictate how the workday takes shape for varying work classifications of their team.

One thing remains true – we need to continue to connect with our teammates and produce great results. If it is working from home, working from the beach, or from the mountains – there are a few steady ideas to remember:

Remember to create a safe and secure environment for the protected data of your company. Create a space that will allow you the privacy you need to work quietly and without interruption. This can be challenging if others in your household might be doing the same thing, however it is important for you to be comfortable and relaxed, wherever you set-up your workstation. Many Zoom meetings might be a part of your day and being in a great environment will help you with being socially distant.

Always get up and take a break. Take a quick walk around the block with your dog, throw something in the slow-cooker, or do a load of laundry. These are part of the advantages of working from home and multi-tasking.

Unless you are in customer service, set a timer and only check your email every 30 minutes or so to give your mind a chance to complete tasks without being interrupted. Email or other software programs like Microsoft Teams, have creative capacities for communication – but don’t forget about getting things done. Stay focused and see thoughts through to their end before you click away to be distracted.

Set your alarm and get up at 5am one day a week, and spend time on yourself before work – maybe it will become a habit and by putting yourself first – you might just get more done and have more concentration throughout the day.

These are just a few ideas for you to remain in control of your daily routine in these times of social distancing. If your team is feeling disconnected from one another, Computer St. Louis can help you set up Microsoft Teams, a function within the Office 365 platform that can transform your business and the way we communicate in the future.