Why it’s costly not to virtualize

Why it’s costly not to virtualize

You’ve probably heard that virtualization saves money, but how can you take advantage of this? Did you know that choosing not to virtualize can hurt your business? Answer these four questions to discover why virtualization is good for you. Studies have shown that over...
Advantages of call recording

Advantages of call recording

Even the most attentive customer service representative can make mistakes; after all, he or she is only human. If your business uses VoIP as its telephony solution, errors can be lessened through call recording. Find out how this helpful VoIP feature can benefit your...
Help yourself: use these Office 365 features

Help yourself: use these Office 365 features

Need help getting some work done? Microsoft constantly releases new Office 365 features that can give you an edge over the pile of work on your computer. With some of the new Office 365 features, you can Skype over a document with your coworkers, plot charts into...
Speed up your Windows 10 updates

Speed up your Windows 10 updates

In May 2019, Microsoft will be releasing another Windows 10 major update with security patches, bug fixes, and new features. More than improving user experience, these updates will help your organization secure your IT systems. If you can’t afford to let an update be...
Warning signs your computer has malware

Warning signs your computer has malware

With the rise of eCommerce and online banking, cybercrime has evolved. Like criminals who pull smash-and-grab jobs, they go where the money is. However, unlike bank robbers, cybercriminals do their best to avoid detection by letting malware do the work for them....